
if you want to help out


  1. Abstractions: between ideology and science | João Quartim de Moraes
  2. Lukács and Sociology | José Paulo Netto
  3. The Meaning of Colonization | Caio Prado Junior
  4. Marx—ontological critique of capitalist society: the critique of labour | Mario Duayer
  5. Lukács’ Later Works and the Drawbacks of his Intellectual Itinerary | Ester Vaisman
  6. Fenomenologia do Espírito: Substancia como Sujeito | Antonio Wolf
  7. Reproduction and Ontology in Lukács | Sergio Lessa
  8. O Objeto do Autoconhecimento | Richard Hunsinger
  9. Theology of the “Laity”? (Reality or Mystification) | Enrique Dussel
  10. Negações Hegelianas: Abstrata, Determinada, e Absoluta | Antonio Wolf
  11. Interview: Lukács and the shadow of Stalin | Nicolas Tertulian
  12. ‘Ontology of Social Being’: value and ought-to-be | Ana S. Albinati
  13. Interview: Georg Lukács—the self-critique of Marxism
  14. Introdução à Dialética | Antonio Wolf
  15. Lukács—labour, objectification, alienation | Sergio Lessa
  16. The actuality of the defence of realism for Marxist Aesthetics | Juarez T. Duayer
  17. Lukács and the Critique of Bourgeois Philosophy | José P. Netto
  18. The illusion of the Tail wagging the Dog | Terezinha Ferrari
  19. Lukács and the USSR emigration (1933-45) | Juarez T. Duayer
  20. Memoirs of Despotism | Francisco de Oliveira
  21. Letter to Livio Xavier | Caio Prado Jr.
  22. The “human life” as a “criterion of truth” | Enrique Dussel
  23. Caio Prado Júnior’s analysis for Brazilian Colonization | Carlos César Almendra
  24. Introdução à Dialética para Iniciantes | Antonio Wolf
  25. The Witnesses of Love | Enzo Santângelo (1995)
  26. Political Document of the Mãos Estendidas [Mani Tese] Group | Fr. Ezequiel Ramin
  27. Dom Helder: Messenger of Hope | Fr. João Batista Libânio
  28. Uberized work and virotic capitalism: interview with Ricardo Antunes
  29. In memory of José Chasin: the struggle for human authenticity
  30. On the Concept of Totalitarianism | José Chasin
  31. Rebellious Father: interview with Father Júlio Lancellotti
  32. Be Prepared for War | Vladimir Safatle
  33. A new Revolution in Latin America | Ernesto Cardenal
  34. Michael Löwy on his Life and Work: interview
  35. “Two Popes:” what was whispered in the movie? | Waldir Rampinelli
  36. Mass of the Quilombos: texts from its programme
  37. The German counter-revolution: Marx and the Neue Rheinische Zeitung | Lívia Cotrim
  38. Georg Lukács and Georges Sorel | Michael Löwy
  39. Mariama’s Invocation | Don Helder Câmara
  40. José Maria Pires: the barefoot Bishop | Leonardo Boff
  41. Revolution, the unexorcised ghost | Florestan Fernandes
  42. The latest triumph over Marxism | Georg Lukács
  43. “Critique to a Dualistic Reason: the platypus” | Francisco de Oliveira


  1. Spontaneity of the Masses, Activity of the Party | Georg Lukács
  2. Interview: Jean-Paul Sartre on Maoism
  3. Marx and the Neue Rheinische Zeitung (1848-49) | Frederick Engels
  4. From “Great Realism” to Realism | Istvan Szerdahelyi
  5. The Critique of Political Economy | István Mészáros
  6. Freud’s Psychology of the Masses | Georg Lukács
  7. Revolutionary Dialectics against “Tailism” | Michael Löwy
  8. Dialectic of the Concrete Totality | Karel Kosík
  9. On the Later Lukács | Nicolas Tertulian
  10. Lukács’ Ontology | Nicolas Tertulian
  11. The Final Struggle | José Mariátegui
  12. Problems of Religion and Irrationalism in Georg Lukács’ Life and Work | József Lukács
  13. The Legacy of 1848 and the Dilemmas of Democratic Revolutions | István Mészáros
  14. The Aesthetics of Hunger | Glauber Rocha
  15. Marx: the Method of Political Economy as an Ontological Critique | Mario Duayer
  16. A Tribute to István Mészáros (1930–2017) | Terry Brotherstone
  17. «Under-labouring» for ethics: Lukács’ critical ontology | Mario Duayer
  18. Towards a reconsideration of Lukács’ Theory of the Offensive | Giaro Daghini
  19. Technocracy and Rebellion | Andrew Feenberg
  20. Georges Sorel: a Jansenist Marxism | Leszek Kołakowski
  21. Anthropophagic Manifesto | Oswald de Andrade
  22. Man and Myth | José Mariátegui
  23. Imperialism and Irrationalism | Herbert Aptheker
  24. Art, Revolution and Decadence | José Mariátegui
  25. Radical Politics and Transition to Socialism: Reflections on Marx’s Centenary | István Mészáros
  26. Selected Works of Michał Kalecki: Great War, Inflation and Fascism 
  27. O Partido Democrático | Karl Marx
  28. The Democratic Party | Karl Marx
  29. Shackle: a tardia (e inútil) descoberta da teleologia pela ciência econômica |  Mário Duayer
  30. Lukács on his Life and Work: interview
  31. José Maria Pires: De Dom Pelé a Dom Zumbi: a Prática Política da Fé
  32. Francisco de Assis: Vida e Morte das Ligas Camponesas
  33. Lawyer’s Socialism | Frederick Engels
  34. The Present Crisis | István Mészáros
  35. A Crise Atual | István Mészáros
  36. Por que Marx e Engels criticaram a ideologia liberal? | Georg Lukács
  37. Florestan Fernandes: Constituinte e Revolução
  38. The limits of industrialization | Raúl Prebisch
  39. Capital formation in Latin America and the inflationary process | Raúl Prebisch